Start Where You Are, Use What You Have, Do What You Can

A lot of us are waiting for the "right" time, waiting until we get the resources, waiting for the support. Stop Waiting!

That's the worst thing you could do; success doesn't work that way. The time is now, you already have all the resources you need and the support will come! Work with what you have and watch how many doors will open up for you. You must have faith in your gifts. I will be the first to tell you, when I first began my journey, I had zero support, but I have faith in my own gifts and that was all I needed. Now, don't get me wrong, posting something and getting four likes can be discouraging and having everyone tell you that you'll never be able to make a career out of it and to "get a real job" but you must believe in your own talents and gifts, everyone else will get on board later.

Stay on course.